Thursday, October 22, 2015

Infinite Waters 9+1 Speculative Short Fiction Stroies

Infinite Waters 9+1 Speculative Fiction Short Stories
By Nicholas C. Rossis

This collection of short stories written in a quirky yet eclectic style will capture the minds of readers who love a story with often weird conclusions — which go beyond twist endings. The author has a creative, imagination, coming up with some of the most bizarre mind-boggling stories I've read in a long time, if ever.

In “A Twist of the Tail,” a woman finds herself in a strange town, disoriented and sporting an extra body part. Then as her memories slowly return, things become stranger yet. “What's in a Name,” is an outer space story that has a hysterically funny ending. One of my favorites is “Two’s a Crowd,” proving that identical twins can feel alike in more ways than ever ‘dreamed’ of. “The Things we do for Lust,” is a captivating tale of a time traveler who manages to live two different lives. These are a few tempting selections which will leave readers wanting more. And all with surprise endings, one could not possibly see coming.

Some of the stories are science fiction, some paranormal, others not normal in any possible sense of the word as Author Nicholas C. Rossis pens ten spectacular fiction tales, each carrying a theme which reflects all of them. These stories are perfect for readers with limited time but loving a good short read. They can be read waiting for appointments, taking mass transit to work, or whenever there are a few minutes to enjoy some of them. Just be careful where you burst out laughing or gasp in shock. Many stories will be read more than once, like fairytales for grown-ups. Author Nicholas C. Rossis has more than mastered the craft of speculative short fiction.

Those enjoying this book — and who could not? — Will want to check out his first short story collection, “Power of Six,” and his finalist International Award-Winning children's story, “Runaway Smile.”

Micki Peluso: author of . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang


  1. Thanks so much for providing us with another amazing review. You really are taking great efforts. Thank you.

  2. On my kindle! Nicholas is a fabulous author. Have RUNAWAY SMILE and PEARSEUS Bundle too. Looking forward to these! :)

  3. Thanks Aurora, I'm posting reviews while I try to handle all the catastrophes in my life.
    Love, Micki

  4. He is certainly a writer with unusual talent. I hope to get his 'Runaway Smile', soon.
