Sunday, March 6, 2016

Poetry for the Soul by a Master of his Trade

The Poetry of Scott Hastie
Scott Hastie’s premise in this enlightening book of poems is faith, a spirit of eternal hope and beauty found in every living thing. Within his writing he approaches life as a sacred gift—the good, the not so good—both leading to an ecstasy beyond even his mastery of language. It is as if this gentle poet holds the key to the mystery of life and fears not ‘The sting of death.’
One cannot read a page or two of poems in this work of art. The pages seem to turn themselves, offering comfort, wisdom and a warm feeling, dashed only by sadness when these words are finished. It is a book to be read and reread many times. The ‘threads’ woven throughout this prose leave the reader with a sense of sharing this poet’s soul embracing journey.
Poet Scott Hastie’s works are reminiscent of Robert Frost, both in truth and beauty, and he may well evolve into recognition as one of the best loved poets of this century. One of my favorite lines in this book is;
“For life
Wherever it leads
Will always be the same
It begs for the best of you.”

Micki Peluso, writer, journalist and author of . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang


  1. A beautiful review, Micki. Looking forward to reading this one and sharing too...

  2. What a great review. Thanks for providing us with reviews of all these great books!

  3. Wow! Sounds like one could get lost between the pages of this book. I love poetry.
    Thanks for sharing, Micki.

  4. Thank you, Aurora, I use reviews when I have nothing to post. People seem to like to read reviews.
    Love you,

  5. Thank you, Aurora, I use reviews when I have nothing to post. People seem to like to read reviews.
    Love you,

  6. I am a lover of poetry by Robert Frost so I'm quite sure this book of poetry by Scott Hastie would be very encouraging and inspiring.
    Thanks for making me aware of him.

  7. Yes, Pat, you would love this amazing booklet of poetry by Scott. He speaks right to the soul.Thanks for dropping by. Love, Micki
