Thursday, March 24, 2016

Good News To Share!

Good news to share!! . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang is on sale today, March 24th for 99 cents through March 31st Noon, PST!! Read a book that makes you feel good, hug your kids and remember for a log time.
One reviewer likens Micki Peluso's writing to that of Harper lee. Doesn't get better than that! 

Have a happy and blessed Easter celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ giving us the gift of eternal life.


  1. Congrats, best wishes and Easter Blessings to you, Micki! xo

  2. Thanks, Bette, no sales yet and fb pulled my promo because it says I may not have legal rights to the song on my video I wrote for permission to the owner/singer but never heard back. Now I don't know what to do.

  3. Thanks Aurora, you have a great day too. I owe you a letter but have been quite sick.Seeing a new heart Dr Monday. Wish me good news and a cure?
