Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dear Child of Mine

Dear Child of Mine
An Heirloom Devotional for the Unborn Child

By Deirdre Tolhurst

“Let this be written for a future generation that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.”
-----Psalm 102.18 NIV

And so begins a most incredible devotional handbook for mothers going through pregnancy; especially for the first time. Fathers, too, will enjoy this journal of a sort as both parents read the daily passages, until their baby, who listens all those months, enters the world, already knowing love of God and parents.

Every woman faces pregnancy with multiple emotions—happiness, love, trepidation and fear of the unknown. Author of children’s books and poems, Deirdre Tolhurst writes ‘a labor of love’, pun intended, and structures it with interactive ‘read aloud’ passages and messages to the child growing in the womb, adding prayers and blank lines for the parents to add their own thoughts. The pregnancy becomes shared by mother, father and child(children), forming a deep lifelong bond.

This talented writer, speaker and devotional blogger has written one of the most beautiful books that I’ve read. Initially written for her own grandchild, the emotions evoked through conversations with the baby and God bring smiles and tears to the reader—often at the same time.

Deidre skillfully adds practical information on exactly what the mother is experiencing throughout the different trimesters of her journey into motherhood. She also includes schedules of the baby’s progress from conception to birth, sometimes things that doctors are often too busy to relate, yet are of so much comfort to the new parents.

There is nothing more beautiful than bringing a new soul into the world. As parents pour out their love aloud each day for both their child and God, who is love, it makes having a baby as much a spiritual occurrence as a physical one. This lovely book is written as a gift for all parents and children, and is a deeply emotional experience; which helps as the family continues to grow with God as their mainstay in life. “Dear Child of Mine,” is truly an heirloom for the unborn child and will be a lifelong treasure to all who undergo the God-given miracle of childbirth.

Micki Peluso, author of . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang


  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful review! You are such a blessing to me! Xo

  2. And no mistakes!! woohoo. I can't wait for my grand daughter-in-law to get pregnant!!! I may get her the hardcover one to hold up longer.

  3. Hello Micki,
    I am smiling because I have this book and can only agree with your review. You have done a beautiful job of putting into words what the author wants to express throughout her entire book.
    Thank you and all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. Thank you, Pat, I had no idea you had the book. Love, Deirdre

  4. Thanks Pat. I'm waiting for my grand daughter-in-law to get pregnant so I can send it to her. Deirdre did a fantastic job!!

  5. Micki this was a great insight into the first months of a child yet born. Very poetic. Good work.

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