Monday, September 19, 2016

More About The Cat Who Wanted a Dog

Have you ever known a cat who wanted a dog? If not, you’ll want to read this aspiring little children’s book, ‘A Cat Who Wanted a Dog’ and perhaps share it with the little ones in your life.


Last week I introduced you to Micki Peluso, a phenomenal freelance writer, award winning author, 3rd place winner in Predators and Editor contest, and 1st place winner for People’s Choice award.


Now, Id love for you to really get to know Toby, the protagonist of this story, through the pages of its text. In addition to the wonderfully scripted text, I hope you’ll enjoy the coloring book illustrations revealing so much about Toby’s character.
My favorite illustration is the one showing Rocky licking Toby’s coat. I hope you’ll soon share which illustration is your absolute favorite, too.

toby-the-catMicki shares a true story of Toby, a cat she and her family loved for years. Toby wanted his own little dog, and he was in for a big surprise. Go along with Toby now, as Peluso tells his story for what she perceives as her cat’s point of view. It’s really a cute story.

Hi boys and girls, I’m Toby, a handsome cat if I say so myself. I do whatever I want, but Grandma and Grandpa thinks they own me! My favorite thing is to take Grandma’s shiny jewelry and hide it. Grandpa is still looking for his favorite pen. I have one friend, Casey, a wild cat who lives outside, but she tells me through the screen door about the outside world. I was a happy, cool cat until—-well, read what I wrote about the day Grandma invited the ‘Monster’ to visit. Yikes!
Do you think Casey will ever convince Toby to join her outside, or is Toby far too comfortable inside enjoying the joys of life his family joyously gave him all those years?

See what others have to say about Mick’s new book:

5.0 out of 5 stars Delightful!
By Bette A. Stevens on August 31, 2016
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
After reading Micki Peluso’s memoir and several of her short stories, I could hardly wait for her first children’s book to arrive in my mail box. The day it arrived I was not disappointed. Peluso’s unique sense of humor shines through in this delightfully written and illustrated coloring book for kids. I highly recommend it for children of all ages. Whether a read-aloud or read-along, the whole family is sure to smile. And lessons on friendship will long be remembered. My grandson loves The Cat Who Wanted a Dog and so does this still-laughing-out-loud grandma. ~ Bette A. Stevens, Maine author of award-winning picture book Butterfly and other inspirational books for children and adults.

on September 19, 2016
‘The Cat Who Wanted a Dog’ is a really cute children’s book about a house cat who was really comfortable with his life indoors even though Casey, a wild cat who lived outside, tried to convince Toby he’s truly missing out on all the adventures in the outside world.
Toby ignored Casey because he was content with his wonderful life indoors with his family until one day his life changed forever when grandma’s daughter and her two kids came to visit, but they didn’t come alone. According to Toby’s eyes, they brought along a ‘monster’ and he was a huge golden retriever, at that.
Later, Toby learned this ‘monster’ was called Rocky. As far as Toby was concerned, Rocky was surely starving for attention, or was it friendship he wanted? Whatever the reason, Toby wanted no parts of it! Rocky did all sorts of things trying to get Toby’s affection and attention, but all Toby could see was huge annoying ‘monster’, or so it seemed.
Soon, Toby began taking advantage of Rocky’s attention playing tricks on him. Toby’s plans were to show Rocky who the real boss was in his home. After all, Rocky was on Toby’s turf.
Rocky found himself all out of ideas gaining Toby’s friendship, but he decided to try one last thing. Rocky dropped a dog treat at Toby’s feet. Imagine that! Can you believe a dog giving up a treat?! Rocky must’ve wanted Toby’s friendship awfully bad, huh?
Do you want to know what Toby did next? Well, I don’t want to be the one spoiling the end of this story line, so you’ll want to purchase a copy of Peluso’s children’s book for all the children in your life. I believe you’ll find children enjoying this book, but that’s not all. ‘The Cat Who Wanted a Dog’ is filled with coloring book illustrations the children are sure to adore and spend time coloring for hours.
I find this children’s book a two for one steal. Children can read the book, and then color the illustrations which carefully help tell the wonderful story revealing Toby’s feelings, and emotions about wanting a dog.
And, don’t forget about the holiday season soon to arrive. ‘The Cat Who Wanted a Dog’ would make an absolute wonderful stocking stuffer.

Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D., author/writer of children’s books
Books That Sow: Strength, Character & Diversity, DBA Link for ‘A Cat Who Wanted a Dog’ 

See Peluso’s other book ‘…And the Whippoorwill Sang’

Coming Soon:
‘Don’t Pluck the Duck’ (Release date, 2016)


  1. Micki Peluso doesn't disappoint! Laughter over The Cat Who Wanted a Dog still echoes in our house, even though the book is now in the hands of my giggling-over-it eight year old grandson. And, if you haven't read Peluoso's memoir, And the Whippoorwill Sang, you're missing out on the best. Get her books...You'll love and laugh with Micki!

  2. Thanks Bette, so I do have a comment lol. You are truly a prescious friend. Love Micki
