Thursday, August 25, 2016

99 cent Sale for . . . And the Whippoorwill Sang

. . . And the Whippoorwill Sang by Micki Peluso will be 99 cents on Kindle from August 25th--August31st PT It's quite an lifetime adventure! Grab a copy today!

The elusive whippoorwill swoops down the mountains.
Through night into dawn it's song mourns summer's loss--as I cry mine.   
     AND THE WHIPPOORWILL SANG, a 300 page memoir, opens with eloping teenagers, Micki and Butch, in a bizarre double wedding ceremony with Micki’s mother.  The couple share comical escapades, spanning decades. A terrible accident occurs in a placid valley nestled in the Susquehanna Mountains. Micki narrates happier days while confronting an uncertain future. One of her six children is fighting for life in the hospital. The family embarks upon its unbearable journey to the other side of sorrow . . . 
And so  in the throes of grief, a writing career was born.
I published a short story of this memoir, resulting in  25 years of writing essays, commentary, and slice of life for two major newspapers, and staff writer for the Staten Island Register. I've published humor, horror and paranormal fiction in e-zines, print magazines, and contests and am currently writing a children's story. "Don't Pluck the Duck," a collection of comedic essays, short fiction and non-fiction stories,will be released in late fall.

    Each day the lives of children are lost through alcohol and drug related deaths. Each of them was special to those who loved them--each deserves remembrance. This book was written for each of them.  


  1. Great!! I'm sharing on my book review blog and twitter.
    Sending you a big hug.
    Shalom aleichem,

  2. My Dear Friend,
    It went out on my blog at and my twitter and FB. I also managed to put your picture in my blog posting.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

  3. Thanks Bette, can always depend upon you. Love, Micki

  4. Wow, Pat, you're the best! Remember to put it on Amazon to get credit for it on RRBC. Going to your blog now.

  5. Wow, Pat, you're the best! Remember to put it on Amazon to get credit for it on RRBC. Going to your blog now.
