Saturday, July 18, 2015

RAVE WAVES Radio Blog Interview

Bring on the Spotlight with Guest Host John W. Howell and MICKI PELUSO By Rave Reviews Book Club July 23, 2015 - 12:00:00 PM EDT
30 Minutes Call in to speak with the host:
646  929 0091

About Noelle:

Noelle was a shy little girl until she turned six yrs old and became the 'mouse that roared'--her siblings gave her a wide berth. As a preteen and teenager, she changed again, this time into a wacky, hilariously funny girl.She could walk into a room and say nothing and make us laugh. She was the only one who could shake the dark moods from her father and calm her brothers and sisters down. She never did chores. She talked about doing them, promised to do them, but managed to entertain her siblings while they did her work. When her and her sister, Kelly bought clothes with their babysitting money, Noelle put every outfit on top of the other for a bike ride. When Kelly said she was crazy not to save them for something special, Noelle said that a bike ride was special enough. She was a beautiful combination of Lucille Ball humor and Carol Burnett. Her teachers adored her. It was evident that all who knew her loved her. She lived in the moment almost as if she sensed there might not be many of them. I wrote the book so that others, the drunk drivers and their victims might know that irresponsibility took away one of God's brightest stars. 


  1. This is amazing, Micki. Very special. Love it.

  2. Hi,
    Wishing you all the best on your upcoming interview on blog talk radio. I see it is starting at 6 p.m your time which is midnight here in my part of Europe and I do not know if I will be up at that time. If I am I will try to listen to it.
